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Public tender – »Razvojno – raziskovalni projekti za odpravo posledic COVID-19«, Phase 2

PHASE 2: Co-financing of R&D projects that will be implemented in the form of industrial research and/or experimental development and are related to managing the consequences of COVID-19.

PHASE 2: Co-financing of R&D projects that will be implemented in the form of industrial research and/or experimental development and are related to managing the consequences of COVID-19.

We have completed Phase 2 of the project “Razvojno – raziskovalni projekti za odpravo posledic COVID-19”, which was financed by the Republic of Slovenia and the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund.

Tittle of the project: BiocideQC 4.0 automated device for testing the effectiveness of biocidal agents.

During the project, we established mass production for the production of the BiocideQC 4.0 device, which enables testing the effectiveness of biocidal agents.

Objectives of the operation:

  • To prepare a production that will be flexible and will enable the production of small (1,000 pieces) and larger (some 10,000 pieces) quantities of devices.
  • Establish serial production of BiocideQC 4.0 devices.
  • To position the company Microbium in the market with a complete approach to satisfying niche needs in the field of industrial microbiology (from the idea to the final product and its commercialization).
  • Offer customers a solution to the problem = medium to large companies that have the production of biocides. This is 1) establishment of appropriate control over the quality of raw materials from their suppliers, 2) rapid prototyping of new biocidal agents, 3) appropriate output quality control, 4) proof of biocidity with their customers (resolving complaints or as an aid to promote sales).
  • Indirectly enable greater safety for end users against infectious diseases.

In the operation, we successfully realized the project by carrying out activities, which we divided into individual periods. Namely, in the period from January to May 2020, we investigated the areas of product manufacturing possibilities, from May to October 2020, in cooperation with the company WorkRoom and the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Informatics Maribor, we carried out the activities of drawing the prototype of the product QC Biocide, prototyping the model with the system 3D lithographic printing, electronic circuit modeling and electronic circuit prototyping. From November 2020 to April 2021, in cooperation with the company WorkRoom, the production of tools with engravings for spraying individual components of the product took place. In May 2021, the activity of the first trial production of the product followed, and in the period between May and November 2021, the activity of the start of serial production of the product and the final assembly, as well as checking the suitability of the products for the purpose of marketing.

The investment is co-financed by the Republic of Slovenia and the European Union from the European Fund for Regional Development.

More information at: www.eu-skladi.si.

Spirit Slovenija Ministrstvo za gospodarski razvoj in tehnologijo EU sklad za reginalni razvoj
