· 2 min read
Digitization of Microbium
Activities of Microbium d.o.o. as part of the public call “Voucher for the preparation of a digital strategy”.

Activities of Microbium d.o.o. as part of the public call “Voucher for the preparation of a digital strategy”, the Republic of Slovenia and the European Union co-finance from the European Regional Development Fund. The investment is carried out within the framework of the Operational Program for the implementation of the European Cohesion Policy in the period 2014-2020. (http://www.eu-skladi.si/)
Brief description of the investment:
The activities of the company Vavčer za pripravo digitalne strategije took place from 02/01/2021 to 05/01/2021. 2021 and were the subject of the “Operational Program for the Implementation of the European Cohesion Policy in the Period 2014-2020”.
The public appeal was co-financed by the Republic of Slovenia and the European Union, namely from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). The public tender for the selection of the investment was carried out in the framework of the “Operational program for the implementation of the European Cohesion Policy in the period 2014-2020”, “Voucher for the preparation of a digital strategy”.
The role of the executive body of the ministry in this program was performed by the Public Fund of the Republic of Slovenia for Entrepreneurship, Ulica kneza Koclja 22, 2000 Maribor.
The purpose and goals of the investment was to encourage the company to prepare a digital strategy with the aim of digital transformation of companies, which will increase their competitiveness, added value or Revenues from sales. The subject of the public call was the co-financing of the eligible costs of preparing a digital strategy, which includes the following activities:
- assessment of the situation in the field of digitization,
- preparation of a plan for the development of the company’s digital
- capabilities
- preparation of the company’s strategy for digital transformation, which will cover key areas:
- Customer eXperience,
- data strategy,
- Processes and digital solutions for business support,
- Digital business models, products and services,
- Strategy for the development of digital personnel and digital jobs
- Digital culture development strategy,
- cyber security,
- Industry 4.0
We estimate that a comprehensive and strategically prepared digital strategy document, which includes measurable activities, will help to monitor our transition to digital transformation.